"ZymOsiZ is the solo project of James Vietzke, founded in 1997 out of the San Francisco Bay Area, ZymOsiZ is defined by its medical term as the process of infection. The transformation of one stage to the next as the infection itself takes on a new form. This same basic concept is also used for the music of ZymOsiZ, to alter the mind of the listener and to change his state of thought. ZymOsiZ still continues to develop his sound, focusing on heavy distorted barbwire on the brain, harsh tracks with a cold dark sense." >> gothtronic.com
01 Memory Collapse (7:21) 02 Human Damage (Live @ Das Bunker - Los Angeles, CA) (9:07) 03 Tooth And Claw (4:53) 04 Resistance (8:44) 05 Machinedriven (Hyperdrive) (7:09) 06 PC-2 (5:46) 07 Fabricate (Live @ The Steeple - Waregem, Belgium) (7:20) 08 Isd (5:26) 09 Virust (8:22) 10 Overload (6:40)