Monday, October 19, 2009

Toroidh : Eine Kleine Marschmusik [2009]

1 Those Who Do Not Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It. Again. 16:50
2 Arbetet (Featuring Karl Ohlen) 7:09
3 Ragnarök (Violent) 6:44
4 Untitled March 2007 3:16
5 In Der Ewigkeit, Kamarat 3:24
6 Epilog November 2003 3:37
7 Torch 2:54
8 Ragnarök (Ambient) 7:13
9 No Hope For Unity

Toroidh is Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk's martial industrial side project. Eine kleine Marschmusik is a compilation of unreleased, remixed, remastered and forgotten tracks spanning from 2002 to 2009. Modern marching music from the past for people who are not afraid to use their feet! Enjoy or Die!

>>DOWNLOAD: Eine Kleine Marschmusik

P/W: mp3db