01 I Feel Therefore I Hurt
02 Radiation Wasteland
03 Rapist Pig
04 I Do This Because I Love You
05 To Hide In Her Uterus And Hopefully Suffocate In Absolute Tranquility
06 A Celebration Of Open Skin
07 Tis My Desire To Loath In The Fires Of Vengeance
08 Lips Will Bleed + Hearts Will Break
09 A Loss Too Great To Bear
"The shredded rhythms are hypnotic and ritualistic, the rusted noises at so low a frequency that they engage involuntary stomach-contraction without adding to the tinnitus. The atmospherics are sinister in ambience and enhance the moments of ululating low end reverberations. Twists of dub tricks are intertwined with crushing percussion and droning distortion, where even the lyrics rhythmically enjoin. Intense bands of noise and soft aetherics form the palette of chiaroscuro. With room for melody, heavily butchered when it does surface in odd contortions, Human Larvae lifts the album from a run of the mill noise-a-thon." >heathenharvest.com
>>DOWNLOAD : Home Is Where The Hurt Is
P/W : mp3db