Interstellar 2
01 Transmission 5 / Transmitting Emptiness
02 Transmission 6 / Entering abandoned sector Cosmos 69
03 Transmission 7 / Kvasar
04 Transmission 8 / Ultra Deep Field
05 Transmission 9 / Barrier
06 Transmission 10 / Expanding Matter II
07 Transmission 11 / Song of Saturn (demo pre Interstellar)
08 Transmission 1 / Nothingness Approaching
09 Transmission 2 / Massive Interstellar Darkness
10 Transmission 3 / Expanding Matter
11 Transmission 4 / Returning To A Balanced Existence
Interstellar 2 was recorded more or less alongside Interstellar, but I decided
to not release it at the time.
Also included in this release is Interstellar, previously released by Beast of Prey
(CD limited to 444 copies, cat no BOP5.5, 2008).
This release is only released on Piratebay as a way of showing support
for free speech and free internet. I will not go into philosophical details,
you all know what is going on...
Feel free to share this music as you wish. Sharing is caring.
Thanx Henrik.. (*_*)
>>DOWNLOAD : Interstellar 2