In ten tracks Ah Cama-Sotz tells a story of a journey; How your inner soul is transported into another dimension. Events on this journey include a certain 'Sacrifice' as instructed by 'Voices From The Dark', a visit to 'Warszawa' and — albeit from a distance — watch the 'Decline Of The Roman Empire'.
And like a true journey, the view out the window is gorgeous. Varied and dynamic as we have gotten to know the talent of our tour-conductor. There are moments of deep dub with heavily distorted guitars, ambient neo-classical soundscapes, Arabian as well as ritualistic influences. And the additional vocals of Fleur Pierets turn the rockiest mountain into the Garden of Eden ...
With 'Declaration Of Innocence' Ah Cama-Sotz succeeds again in delivering an album which completely f*cks up the inside of your head and therefore changes your perspective of a world filled with Blood, Guilt, Sin and Innocence.
>>DOWNLOAD : Declaration Of Innocence
P/W : www.synthema.ru